Tuesday, July 1, 2014


   Summer's here guys and so far I've done good on my report card. But then my friend took it home with her... Anyways first we (as in my family) had a little barbecue and invited family from my moms side. Then we went to the statue of liberty which was pretty boring because we only walked around it and not inside of it. Also the line to go back to the city on the ferry was ridiculous like seriously it was soooo long!

   Today I'm going to... SIX FLAGS! Oh my gosh it's gonna be so fun. I'm going with my mom ,brother ,3 cousins , and my awesome aunt. She awesome because we are taking her car. Haha just kidding.


  1. Sounds like a good way to start your summer Jasmine. You know, I've never been to the Statue of Liberty! I'm such a bad New Yorker. :-/ I want to know more about Six Flags, did you get or ride the new free fall ride next to the Kinga Ka!?!?

  2. What? No invite?!? Lol. Just kidding. I agree with Ms. Leistman, sounds like a fabulous way to start your summer. I would encourage you to tell me more of WHY this day was so special. Why did you choose to write about it? What about this day will you remember forever, and if you won't, why not choose to write about moments or memories that you will? Capture the magic of those moments and share the magic with us (the readers)!

    I'm excited to read more! Keep 'em coming!
